How to Attract Solar Customers with Positive Online Reviews

Gaining new solar customers is expensive. Acquiring a new solar customer takes up a whopping 17% of the total system cost! The high customer acquisition cost is a huge hurdle for solar companies. 

Luckily, there is one key factor that will help you attract new customers and ultimately reduce the cost for acquisition: online reviews. 

For 90% of Americans, reviews are a critical part of the purchasing process. Generating more positive online reviews will ultimately allow your brand to rise against competitors and attract more customers. 

Highly Competitive Industry 

With environmental consciousness on the rise, the solar industry is booming. When any market grows, new players enter to try to capitalize on it. More solar companies mean a more competitive industry, and a more challenging environment to stand out in. Setting your business apart before the market is too saturated is crucial for gaining loyal customers. 

Thorough reputation management is essential for your solar company to stand out. The average business has 39 Google reviews. If you do not have many online reviews, you are falling behind the competition in the solar industry and will have a very hard time obtaining new leads. 

Differentiate Your Solar Company with Online Reviews 

Online reviews are the best way to set your solar company apart from the competition. Genuine reviews give potential customers the peace of mind so that they can be confident in your products and services. Purchasing from a solar company is a large investment for the consumer, so online reviews are even more important. Reviews for higher-priced products increase the conversion rate by an astounding 380%.

Instead of struggling to bring on new customers and spending a lot of money to do so, focus on your online reputation. When you build a strong reputation through many positive reviews and a high rating, your solar company will have new customers calling you. 

The best part is that you do not have to find a way to generate reviews alone. Attract and Close is here to help you with your online reputation management, including your review generation and responses. Our powerful software will help you automate the entire process, so you can start generating more reviews than ever and never miss a chance to respond. To learn more about how Attract and Close will help your solar company with review management, or to get started, schedule your free consultation HERE.

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