Signs You Need Help with Online Review Management

Online reviews are so important for your multi-location business, but they are not the easiest to generate or manage. Managing your online reviews when you have multiple locations is complicated, tedious, and stressful. If you know the importance of your online reputation but are struggling to obtain the results you deserve, you may just need some help from a professional. In this post, we explain the top signs that you should seek help with online reputation management. 

You Have Very Few Reviews 

Your multi-location business can not have a positive reputation without substantial online reviews. Even if you provide excellent service, you will struggle to generate reviews if you use ineffective strategies. To turn things around quickly and start obtaining more reviews, you may need some help. 

Too Many Negative Reviews or a Low Rating 

People turn to the internet to find local businesses, and the majority will click on a link on the first page of results. Search engines use reviews as one factor to assess the quality of your business. Overwhelmingly negative reviews and a low rating will only hurt your SEO, making it so you do not appear high in the search results. Mostly negative reviews will also hurt your reputation, so customers will not trust your business. If you are currently getting mostly negative reviews, it may not be an accurate reflection of your business. People who are upset tend to leave negative reviews, where happy customers actually need a bit of a push to leave a positive review. 

You Are Not Effectively Responding to Reviews 

Generating reviews is only part of the equation. Your multi-location business must also appropriately respond to the reviews. Responding to reviews shows that your business is dedicated to its customers. Positive reviews and your review management both factor into your SEO, according to Google. To effectively manage reviews, you must respond in a timely manner and appropriately. If you are not keeping up with reviews and do not have a response protocol, it’s time for some help. 

Attract and Close Will Help With Review Management 

If you experience any of the issues above, it is time to consult a professional for help with online reviews management. For the most affordable, knowledgeable service, look no further than Attract and Close. We have the tools and expertise to help your multi-location business nail its online review management strategy. Learn more about how we can help you or schedule your free consultation HERE.

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