How to Increase Advertising Conversions Using Positive Online Reviews

By making one small change you can skyrocket the efficacy of your online ads. The simplest way to drive more conversions with your ads is by including positive online reviews. 

Step up your ads using your positive online reviews. Once you’ve done all the work to generate and manage your online reputations, it is time to leverage it. 

Online reviews take your ads to the next level and offer consumers a clear reason to trust you. They also set your ad apart from all of the rest. Read on to learn more about using online reviews to increase ad conversions. 

Organic Growth is Not Enough 

There are many strategies, like SEO, that you can use to influence your search engine rankings. While you definitely need to invest in organic visibility and conversions, you cannot rely solely on this method. Instead, you also need to invest in paid ads. 

To grow your business, you can no longer rely on people finding you organically. The internet is oversaturated with similar businesses all trying the same techniques. Furthermore, paid ads and Google Maps results show up before the organic listings. Using paid ads, you can get your website at the top of Google and attract more customers. 

The most powerful ads are the ones that include your positive online reviews. 

Increase Ad Clicks with Online Reviews

Maximizing your paid ads is critical since they show up above any organic results. Instantly increase your ad performance by including your top-rated status. Referencing your top-rated status will make your ads stand out against competitors so that you can get more ad conversion. 

For Google ads, you can display your star rating and the number of reviews right on your ad. Which would you trust more, an add no reviews or one with a high star rating and hundreds of reviews? Of course, displaying your top-rated status with numerous reviews on your Google ads will help you earn more conversions than your competitors. 

Online reviews are not only beneficial for search engine ads, but they are also important for social media ads. Leverage reviews as powerful social proof on your social media ads to help boost engagement and demonstrate your trustworthiness. You can include your star rating and the number of reviews for a top review site on your social media ad, or you can even include a brief quote on the ad. 

No matter what platform your ads are on, showcasing your online reviews will help greatly. Customers are wary of branded posts and information, but they trust their peers. Consumers will trust your ads far more when they include your positive online reputation. 

We’ve Already Done it… Now it’s Your Turn!

The reason that we know online reviews make a difference for your ads is that we have seen it firsthand! At Attract and Close, we leverage our positive online reputation to strengthen all of our ads. 

Below is photos to demonstrate this. When you search for “marketing agency scottsdale az” we are one of the top Google Maps and Google Ads results that are displayed above the organic results. 

For our Google Maps listing, we include our high rating and the number of reviews. While our competitors also display this information, our reputation is higher. We have a five-star rating and 76 reviews. Even though some others have a similar rating, none of them have as many reviews. This is something that will stand out to customers as they look through these ad results. We have the highest overall rating, which will help us earn more conversions. 

In our Google search ad, we include the phrase “#1 rated marketing agency”. Again, we share our online reputation as a way to separate ourselves from other similar websites and ads. It’s a no brainer that customers would prefer a higher-rated company, so we make a point to include information about our ratings in our ad. 

Now it is time to you to leverage positive online reviews for your ads and website! Of course, this starts with a system to generate and manage reviews. With our entire online reputation management strategy, Attract and Close will help you do just that. Our knowledgeable team will help you generate more positive online reviews than ever before, and leverage them in the most effective ways possible. Your ads will help you get more traffic, which we will then help you pull through your powerful sales funnel. To learn more about how we can help you with online reputation or to get started today, set up your free discovery call with Attract and Close HERE.

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